What are the steps of a new advertiser?
Posted by Ron Wicker (Import) on 23 September 2006 06:50 AM

To become an advertiser, there are a few more steps involved, but not too many. The obvious first step would be to visit our advertisers page and read the information provided. Following this, you would need to click the create account button to proceed to our signup form. Here you will need to select the advertiser account option on submit your login details.


From this point, your account has been created and awaits your email confirmation. Check your email account provided to LinkWorth and it will contain a link to click. This will verify the email you provided is real and you will receive further communication. After verification, you will have access to your account. At this point it will ask for your information, billing method to fund your account and the creation of your first textual ad. Each field has a question mark that will explain what is required in that field if you get stuck on anything. Once submitted your first textual ad will be placed in our editorial queue awaiting approval. Pending submissions are usually approved within 12 to 24 hours during normal business days (Monday thru Friday) with weekends possibly lasting a bit longer.


Once your first textual ad is approved, you are ready to start building your campaign. We have the “shop” section setup so you can sort by many different variables. We’ve learned that everyone has their beliefs in what works best, so rather than say don’t buy based on this or don’t buy based on that, we just provide all the available stats and let you make your decision. Our philosophy is to match apples to apples or even apples to fruit baskets. The more related, the more successful your campaign will become. You must also have a well built site, optimized with plenty of well written content. You want to keep the people around, so give them something they want to read and not put down. Our suggestion is to select partner listings and put them into a wish list.


A wish list is a great middle ground section between selecting prospective sites to advertise on and actually paying for them. You can thumb through initially and only add the sites you have interest in, even all with the same text ad, then you can go to the wish list and dig deep on each weeding out the one’s that do not fit. You can also set which text ad you wish to use (considering you have built additional ads to use) on each individual site. It is also a great place to set the location your text ads will appear with price, total everything up and see exactly what the monthly price is.


It is now time to buy your advertising from the wish list. Select the ads you wish to purchase, then click the "Move to Cart" button. Then click on the cart icon in the top right hand corner of your screen and click the "Checkout" button. You will be provided with a confirmation page to review what you have selected, then the option of how to pay. Submitting from this page will finalize payment with a deposit of money into your account and set all of your purchases to pending. An email is sent to each partner selected and they get the final decision to either approve or decline your request. If they approve it, what we call a DEAL is created between you and the partner. You will be notified of each approval or decline, and many other details regarding your campaign. But from this point on, our software handles the rest.


Other situations that could arise are partners approving but not publishing the text ad, in which time will expire and cancel the deal. There is also the chance the partner never responds, which our system will expire and cancel the deal. These situations might require you find replacements. Once the ad is approved and published, our system looks for it to put the final stamp of approval. If our system locates the text ad in the correct location, it is stamped with approved at that point and billed to your account. So a rule of thumb is, you will never be charged for any text ad that our system does not locate on their site. They may approve it, but unless it is published, you are not charged.


These are the simple, yet a bit detailed steps in creating a new advertiser account and getting your first campaign setup and running. There are many facets of our system so if you ever get stuck, please contact support () for help.

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