How do I start purchasing ads?
Posted by Mitzi Mitchell on 02 August 2008 12:21 AM
There are several ways to start purchasing ads in the LinkWorth control center. We are going to walk you through each one step by step!

1. Purchasing LinkAds by browsing the inventory.
  • Go to My Products >> LinkAds >> Purchase
  • At the top of this page you are going to see a separate box with a list of sites. These are our current "featured partners".
  • Underneath the "featured partners" is where you can browse the inventory.
  • It will automatically default to the category that you selected when creating your text ad.
  • Here you can sort by any type of statistics, any category and choose which ad you are purchasing for.
  • There is also a check box for "Show new links only" - this will only show new sites submitted within the last 7 days.
2. Purchasing Linkads by using an advanced search.
  • Go to My Products >> LinkAds >> Search
  • If you found a site that you liked using our inventory tool on the site, you can enter the website reference number in the field marked Website Ref
  • Choose one or a combination of several options and enter the information into each field.
  • Please keep in mind when searching for keywords this searches the partner's information that they submitted. It does not necessarily mean that is all the sites we have to fit your category.
  • Once you have entered all your search criteria hit the 'Search' button and the list of sites will be provided.

3. How to search for sites and purchase or add to a wish list:
  • Now that your list of sites has been provided you must search though them to find which ones you want to request a link on.
  • Hold your mouse over the website title and a box will pop up to allow you to visit the site, view the stats of the site, or report a problem with that site.
  • You will also see a drop down box under the Location/Price column. This will allow you to see what pages each partner offers and how much per month the link is.
  • Please keep in mind that LinkWorth does allow the use of the 'nofollow' attribute. These sites titles will be highlighted with dotted lines. If there is no highlight the 'nofollow' will not be used.
  • You may also see icons out to the side of the website title - you can mouse over these to learn what they mean.
  • Once you have selected all the sites you wish to use you have two options - Add to Wish List or Buy LinkAds.
  • If you click the Add to Wish List option your links will be added to the wish list selected for future use. To learn more about the Wish List see here
  • If you click the 'Buy LinkAds' button you will be taken to the screen to choose using any account balance or making a deposit for those links. Once you have chosen your funding option the partners will be sent an email notifying them of your request. They have up to 10 days to approve the request and 5 days from the approval day to publish the link.

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