How do I create a LinkMura?
Posted by Mitzi Mitchell on 12 August 2008 10:08 PM
To create your LinkMura login and go to My Products >> LinkMura >> Create.

You will need to following information to create your LinkMura ad"

Rotating ad name - This is an identifiable name that you can use to reference when purchasing multiple ads.
Category - Choose the best category your anchor text(s) fit in. This will allow us to pull up the most relevant category when you begin searching for publisher sites.
Anchor text - A keyword or phrase that will be hyperlinked back to your site.
URL - The URL you would like that specific anchor text linked back to.
Description - A short description of your anchor text product or service.
Active - This box needs to be checked if this anchor text is to be active in the rotating ad. This is an option to activate and deactivate ads as needed instead of having to build a whole new ad.

If you have more than 10 keywords that you would like to enter, click the 'Add More' button and you will receive an additional 10 rows. You can click this as many times as you need. There is no limit to how many keywords can be entered for a rotating ad, however we recommend no more than 25-30 keywords per LinkMura. It is better to break them up into several different ads so that the keywords are not spread too thin to the point where they are not effective.

Once you have completed entering all your information click on the 'Create Rotating Ad'. This will submit the ad to our staff to be reviewed. After it has been approved you will be notified via email and be able to start searching for publishers.

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